Say something taboo. Say something naughty. Make the whole room quiet. Are they quiet because they’re scared or curious? Maybe both? What if you did something taboo right now? This very second.

When I kiss a woman I love, I’m not doing any thing taboo. People who love each other, kiss each other all the time. This is 3 year old knowledge right here. Over the past 10 years, the media has taken strides to remind us that they are instrumental in making and breaking taboos.

Girls kissing girls! Boys kissing boys! Madonna did something very taboo when she kissed Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at the 2003 VMAs. That kiss was the talk of the town. Ridiculed. The cameras quickly turned away. Liberal activists and LGBT advocates applauded and held on to the fringes of what would be an epic 10 years in fierce struggle.

Pop culture does a lot to reshape our perspectives in an era past simple cell phones and single-computer homes. Think about the average length and tools of historical minority struggles. People of color, women’s rights, LGBT rights, those against colonization and neocolonialism. Using traditional tools such as struggle in the streets, door-to-door canvassing, political lobbying and much more are tried and true paths to progress for a more respectfully inclusive world.

However, the LGBT struggle has hit a hot button, clicked the right link, when it comes to creating social change in a digital world. This struggle has won over pop culture. The great mechanism that determines what is “normal” and “okay” in society. Last night and this morning it has had people tearing up and getting goosebumps in front of 33 couples getting married by Queen Latifah. Of course the moment had the assistance of pop icons – Mary Lambert, Ryan Lewis, Macklemore, and Madonna as they sung Same Love. The love anthem of my generation. The love anthem that shows that true love defies the boundaries of gender and conformity because there are NO boundaries when it comes to love.

Not even sensors can stop people from loving the people they love. What makes any one think they’ll succeed in destroying love with doubt, insecurity, and any thing else negative? I know it’s a very optimistic perspective. I just don’t believe in love being destroyed. Relationships, yes. Love, no. The correlation between the two is a different blog in and of itself. Same Love is a statement that speaks to the heart of what makes society and ignorance weak. It’s fear. Fear of knowing. Loving. At the same time, the wide spread popularity of the song is showing that we are no longer afraid to learn or teach. This song and the way it is being used by pop culture is breaking down walls of fear and ignorance. It’s all the same love, love is love… it’s about time we take away the taboo, all be proud of that love.

And one day when I marry el amor de mi vida, nuestra existencia… We’ll play Same Love while we celebrate everything we’ve been through to get to where we’ll go. Ohhhh, the places we will go!